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Showing posts from July, 2017

How I became a Fitness Convert

Hi all, I've been mulling over starting a blog as a way to express my thoughts about various professional issues and personal interests and Free the Yolk and #SummerofMOVE has spurred me on to get started with the #PreachItTeachIt Challenge.  It goes something like this: "Imagine if everyone knew as much about the amazing power of having a body that MOVES often and well...Simply tell your story..." So here goes, the start of my new blog (I had to really think hard about the title, but I settled on "Doing my Part" because that's a big reason for my involvement in the profession.  I'm just one small town PT trying to make a difference in my little corner of the world, by showing up, carrying out various tasks, and living our core values.  Essentially, I'm doing my part. Which leads me into my personal story of becoming a fitness convert.  I would love to tell you that personal fitness has always been an important part of my life.  That I have been